6 Steps of eLearning Content Development Process (2025)

All eLearning content development processes have to undergo those steps. Why are they relevant and what are they all about? Since various organizations are following their eLearning process, some important phases must be compliant with the message. In this article, you will find 6 common steps in each eLearning content development method.

1. Begin with Reasons: Do an Analysis In-depth

In contrast to common opinion, choosing “we need eLearning because it’s done by everyone else” is not the first move. Managers are adding to this by waiting for stuff to be finished or just doing it. They also see the evaluation of needs in production before they can be implemented as a waste of time and value speed. But it is an assumption-based way to start an eLearning class.

Why is your audience needed by eLearning the first step in designing an eLearning course? And what is this eLearning that you want to accomplish, otherwise, how can you understand if your objective has been reached? An assessment of needs ensures that you are not practicing just for the sake of training.

Analysis of needs: This can range from a basic interview to more extensive and detailed methods of data collection including an assessment of previous training, expected outcomes, and the current state of the workforce.

The results of this study will become your concept strategy and what you expect to achieve, so you know what you need instead of just guessing or believing. The training also shows holes and how the violation can be closed and outcomes achieved.

You also prevent eLearning from throwing a dilemma you are unable to solve. Training is ideal to correct ability or experience but usually is not a successful treatment due to lack of customer satisfaction or job design. In analyzing these other questions first, you exclude them and get to the heart of the problem more quickly than you would have assumed.

Before moving to the next level, ensure that you ask yourself these questions:

  • What is this e-learning issue or challenge?
  • What do we want our course to achieve? What results are you expecting?
  • How can your course help the company or the client achieve their objectives?

2. Know Your Target Audience

It is not an easy way to learn Spanish to write a whole Spanish course to a group of people who are only starting to learn it. It may look like an extreme example of an eLearning designer who doesn’t know the audience, but because it isn’t different from learning an early javascript lesson but includes advanced terms without an explanation.

Designers also start a project that treats their audience with a one-size-fit approach to quickly disclose the details. This lacks the technological skills, current expertise, the application of your knowledge, and the basic demographics of your audience.

3. Content Analysis: Create Compelling Content

It is time to evaluate your content once you have decided why training is required and who your audience is. It doesn’t matter if the content of your share has no meaning for your audience how well your course is built. That’s why it’s so critical.

You must take the issue you have identified under paragraph 1 and find information that explicitly addresses it. To do so, the material is analyzed and divided into categories and types:

  • Categories: Statement, procedural, and located.
  • Types: Reality, philosophy, practice, values, interpersonal qualifications, and attitudes.
  • Structure: The categories and types of information may also be described in order to show how information is interrelated and how relevant is each piece, the most prevalent category, information gaps and information should be organized.

4. Define Learning Goals

It is like starting a road trip without identifying the knowledge or skills your learners want to get at the end of their journey. This could make a good set-up for an indie film about four friends who are trying to be found, but eLearning doesn’t work.

But what’s the aim of learning? This is a predicted result for each course and what you want your students to be able to do at the end of each lecture. They also split the material in more manageable sections from phase #3 that can be applied to modules overall.

At this point, as designers, we have to ask questions and take the desired and unsolicited results of the course into consideration. We then write down our targets on the basis of the final results we want. Start with 3-4 targets. Make sure now that your contents are not too far removed from these goals.

The development of appropriate learning goals can be an enormous challenge and we need to ensure they are set in logical parameters before we take on the challenge:

    • Precise: Make sure that you answer the questions: Who’re your students? What’s going to be done?
    • Measurable: Will the success of the target be measured/observed? Otherwise, it doesn’t achieve a decent goal.
    • Obtainable: Make sure the objectives are not only calculated but can be accomplished. This requires the definition of achievable targets for time frames and resources available.
    • Useful: For your target audience, a successful goal must be meaningful. Ensure you know why the targets are needed and how they work to secure time and effort are worthwhile.
    • Responsive to time: Will students do this at the end of the training? If not, consideration is not fair or valuable.

5. Set Your Plan

Now is the time for the education policy to be decided. This technique is the method or methodology that will build your course to include students. eLearning designers may take a number of approaches, including narration, exploration learning, situational learning, and more. A fantastic tool to find out about the key educational methods is an infographic guide.

Think about a plan before you decide:

  • Content-type: How can you teach a fact against a concept best? An organizational capacity versus a procedure?
  • Impact: What is the most meaningful and relevant way to make this training?
  • Goals: How can you guarantee that every trainee masters the goal?

6. Let’s Find An Authoring Software

6 Steps of eLearning Content Development Process (1)

Once you answered these questions, it’s time to compile a course with a robust authoring tool. Let’s take iSpring Suite, for example. Since it’s PowerPoint-based, it’s easy to build interactive courses, quizzes, and game-like training activities in the familiar interface. The tool enables you to create eLearning content for any purpose quickly, without any experience or IT skills.

The eLearning content development process is related to relevant course materials and each eLearning provider has a different goal. There is no formula that fits all approaches.

The E-Learning content development process is the key to online course success. Each provider should take their time to understand the training. Surely, content creation always is the most challenging part of the eLearning course development process.

Written by: Yagmur Solakoglu

06 Jul 2021

6 Steps of eLearning Content Development Process (2025)
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